Our policy lasts 21 days. If 21 days have gone by since the item has been dispatched, unfortunately, we can’t offer you a refund, exchange or replacement.

To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it. It must also be in the original packaging.

There are 3 types of returns:

  • Replacement: When an item is defective it will be replaced for one in good condition at absolutely no cost for the customer. Customer will pay for the shipping costs of the return, but the amount will be credited back to the customer after receiving the defective item, and the shipping costs of the re-delivery will be totally free of charge.
  • Exchange: When a customer wants to exchange the item for another item from our online store (for instance a bottle of a different colour), shipping costs for the return and the re-delivery will be charged. If the price of the new and the returned items are different, the account of the customer will be credited/debited accordingly.
  • Refund: When a customer changes his mind or doesn't need the product anymore, shipping costs for the return will be charged. The value of the item returned will be completely refunded at its reception.

Please complete the returns form below to start processing your return.

Returns form